Bath Salt

Bath Salts

Baths Salts come in a variety of packages and fragrances, but whichever you buy, be prepared for an enjoyable bath experience. Did you know that Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, encouraged his disciples to use salt water to heal their patients of different conditions by immersing them in sea water?

Bath Salts Benefits

By adding bath salts to your bath water, you can immensely improve the experience because salts can change the osmotic balance of the water and improve the way the bath feels and acts upon the body. By changing the osmotic balance, less water is absorbed by your skin so it doesn't disturb the water balance in your skin.

Bath salts also contain various minerals and nutrients which can help to leave your skin feeling more soft and supple. In addition, if you have an aching back or sore feet, bath salts can help to ease the pain and tension you're feeling.

Bath Salts Help Detoxify the Skin

A benefit of bath salts that many people don't realize, is that they can help to detoxify your skin. When you add bath salts to warm water, it helps to open up your pores and draw out toxins and impurities, dirt, oil and pollution. It's truly a deep cleansing salt bath.

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